Chiliz RPC Nodes API

Save time and money with Dwellir's Chiliz scalable API endpoints and dedicated RPC nodes, perfect for top Web3 blockchain developers.
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Supported Networks


Dedicated Node: $501

API Access: FROM$49

RPS: UP TO1500

Public Endpoint Access

Unfortunately, there are no public endpoints currently available.

Leading Blockchain for Enterprise-Level Sports and Entertainment Brands
About Chiliz Nodes

Leading Blockchain for Enterprise-Level Sports and Entertainment Brands

Chiliz Chain aims to be the foremost blockchain for enterprise-level sports and entertainment brands aspiring to create a Web3 ecosystem. It empowers stakeholders to build Web3 experiences within a secure, network-effect-driven community. With its EVM compatibility, Chiliz Chain maintains compatibility with Ethereum tooling, simplifying the building process in its environment. Derived as a fork from BSC, which in turn is a go-Ethereum fork, it embodies most tooling mechanisms, concepts, and binaries from BSC and Ethereum.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Chiliz Chain work?

What are the key features of the Chiliz Chain?

What is the consensus mechanism used by Chiliz Chain?

What is the prime objective of Chiliz Chain?

When was Chiliz Chain launched?

When is staking scheduled to open?

What is the difference between a Testnet and Mainnet?

What is the purpose of the Testnet?

Why are there two Testnets and how do they differ?

What is the origin of the name ‘Scoville’?

Why isn't Chiliz Chain fully decentralized?

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