Gnosis RPC Nodes API

Save time and money with Dwellir's Gnosis scalable API endpoints and dedicated RPC nodes, perfect for top Web3 blockchain developers.
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Supported Networks


Dedicated Node: $442

API Access: FROM$49

RPS: UP TO1500

Public Endpoint Access

Unfortunately, there are no public endpoints currently available.

The Community-Run Chain: Gnosis Chain is one of the first Ethereum sidechains.
About Gnosis Nodes

The Community-Run Chain: Gnosis Chain is one of the first Ethereum sidechains.

Gnosis Chain is a community-run Ethereum sidechain, secured by over 140k validators globally. It offers a credibly neutral platform at a lower price point than the mainnet, with diverse validator sets and community governance. Gnosis Chain is EVM-based, features trustless bridges to the mainnet, and is focused on self-governance, resilience, and credible neutrality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gnosis Chain?

How is Gnosis Chain secured?

What are the core values of Gnosis Chain?

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Seamless API key access, coming soon. Get beta access now.

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