Frequency RPC Nodes API

Save time and money with Dwellir's Frequency scalable API endpoints and dedicated RPC nodes, perfect for top Web3 blockchain developers.
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Supported Networks


Dedicated Node: $228

API Access: FROM$49

RPS: UP TO1500

Public Endpoint Access

Frequency rpc url (https)
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Frequency rpc url (wss)
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Join humanity's awakening. Everything is frequency.
About Frequency Nodes

Join humanity's awakening. Everything is frequency.

The Frequency Project aims to build a higher degree of analysis, evaluation, and efficacy feedback in partnership for the greatest health and well-being of listeners. It supports and builds a community of scientists, biotech, physicians, frequency enthusiasts, music producers, and experts by establishing a single source of information. The project empowers and educates on the benefits of intentional frequency, offering audio and visual applications for frequency.

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Seamless API key access, coming soon. Get beta access now.

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