XX network RPC Nodes API

Save time and money with Dwellir's XX network scalable API endpoints and dedicated RPC nodes, perfect for top Web3 blockchain developers.
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Supported Networks


Dedicated Node: $379

API Access: FROM$49

RPS: UP TO1500

Public Endpoint Access

XX network rpc url (https)
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XX network rpc url (wss)
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Securing Decentralized Messaging and Payment
About XX network Nodes

Securing Decentralized Messaging and Payment

XX.network is a decentralized ecosystem that combines the xx consensus protocol with cMix technology, ensuring secure and private communications and digital currency transactions. It addresses the need for a private, decentralized platform that can operate quickly and securely without compromising metadata privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is xx network?

What makes xx network unique?

How can one participate in xx network?

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Seamless API key access, coming soon. Get beta access now.

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